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Want better sleep?
Add these 3 foods to your diet.

By Lisa Smalls

   Most of us know of beverages and foods that we should not consume at night if we are trying to go to sleep; however, there are specific foods that when consumed before bed actually help you fall asleep.

   When it comes to diet and sleep, the name of the game is melatonin and magnesium, the 'sleep hormone' and the 'sleep mineral,' respectively. Certain vitamins and minerals found in food are the building blocks for creating these natural sleep agents. Tryptophan, calcium, and Vitamin B6, all work together when consumed to create melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating your circadian rhythm, aka your sleep/wake patterns. Magnesium is a powerful mineral that helps deactivate adrenaline, serving as a natural relaxant.

  See the following foods that check off in multiple categories when it comes to inducing slumber.

  Nuts and Seeds - Nuts and seeds contain significant amounts of tryptophan, which is an amino acid that turns into a neurotransmitter called serotonin and then converts into melatonin. Flax, sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, cashews, peanuts, almonds, and walnuts are all rich in tryptophan. Certain nuts contain magnesium, where it is shown that low magnesium levels in individuals cause difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep. Such nuts and seeds include almonds, sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts, flaxseed, and pecans. Flaxseed is a great source of Vitamin B6 as well, along with pistachio nuts and sunflower seeds. Melatonin itself is best found in walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, mustard seeds, and flaxseed.

  Yogurt - Yogurt also scores across the board on containing vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help you fall asleep. Low fat yogurt is an excellent source of both tryptophan and magnesium. Yogurt is a key source of calcium, another mineral that helps create melatonin, where a calcium deficiency may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Dairy products like yogurt, that include both calcium and tryptophan, are the best sleep inducers.

  Specific Fruits and Vegetables - Fruits and vegetables are timeless staples of healthy eating and are also a steady source of the right nutrients to help you fall asleep . The amino acid tryptophan is found in certain fruits like apples, bananas, peaches, and avocados, as well as in vegetables like spinach, broccoli, turnip greens, asparagus, onions, and seaweed.
  Calcium, a building block of melatonin, can be found in veggies like dark leafy greens, spinach, green snap peas, okra, and broccoli, and Vitamin B6, which helps convert tryptophan into melatonin. Melatonin itself can be found most abundantly in tart cherry juice and also in other ​fruits like pomegranates and grapes. Veggies with melatonin include corn, asparagus, tomatoes, olives, broccoli, and cucumbers. Last but not least, magnesium, the 'sleeping mineral,' can be found in veggies like baby spinach, kale, and collard greens. It can also be found in fruits like bananas and avocados.

  While supplements for vitamins and minerals can help, consuming the right foods with the right vitamins and minerals for great sleep will be much more effective when it comes to syncing diet with quality sleep.


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